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Writing Leader K1


This is the first book of the pre-primary school series specially designed to prepare kindergarten children for Primary One.

This series covers the essential subjects and components, namely: English, Grammar, Vocabulary and Writing. There are two levels: K1 – For those who can’t wait to go to K2 and K2 – For those who can’t wait to go to Pr 1.

The activities compiled for each book and each level are structured and focused, with specific learning objectives so parents and teachers can track a child’s accomplishments. The introduction of awarding stars for each activity makes targets fun for the children while allowing parents and teachers to recognize the pace of the child’s learning.

It is hoped that the progressive activities form part of their learning adventure as they proceed from one page to another. Parents and teachers are encouraged to read out loud to the children and to explain the words that are unfamiliar to them. This will help them to become familiar with the vocabulary and sentence structures.

WRITING LEADER K1 and WRITING LEADER K2 are best used as a set. These books will certainly help engender interest in writing and at the same time cultivate good writing habits.

Writing Leader K2


This is the second book of the pre-primary school series specially designed to prepare kindergarten children for Primary One.

This series covers the essential subjects and components, namely: English, Grammar, Vocabulary and Writing. There are two levels: K1 – For those who can’t wait to go to K2 and K2 – For those who can’t wait to go to Pr 1. The activities compiled for each book and each level are structured and focused, with specific learning objectives so parents and teachers can track a child’s accomplishments. The introduction of awarding stars for each activity makes targets fun for the children while allowing parents and teachers to recognize the pace of the child’s learning.

It is hoped that the progressive activities form part of their learning adventure as they proceed from one page to another. Parents and teachers are encouraged to read out loud to the children and to explain the words that are unfamiliar to them. This will help them to become familiar with the vocabulary and sentence structures.

WRITING LEADER K1 and WRITING LEADER K2 are best used as a set. These books will certainly help engender interest in writing and at the same time cultivate good writing habits.

Conquer Creative Writing 1


The first book aims to provide young children with a systematic and progressive approach to composition writing.

There are various types of exercises in this book: rearrangement of words to form a sentence, cloze passage with pictures and helping words, cloze passage with a single picture and helping words, cloze passage without pictures but with helping words, rearrangement of given sentences with pictures, rearrangement of given sentences without pictures, picture comprehension guided by questions and helping words, picture comprehension without questions but with helping words and Imaginative writing.

The various themes used in these exercises present a list of vocabulary that students will find useful when writing compositions on similar themes in school. The reading required to do the exercises in this book will lead to better comprehension and writing skills.




